Due to a limited amount of funds for scholarships, we ask that you first check with family and ask your church to see if they can help. Our desire is to see every child come that wants to come, so if they can't help, please complete the application below.
Scholarship Application
At Winding Creek Campground, we are committed to ensuring that any child who wants to come to camp, can. Money will not be the reason a child missed camp. At the same time, electricity needs to be paid, as does food for the week, and we receive few donations which are set aside for scholarships.
With that, we ask that you review the following information:
With that, we ask that you review the following information:
- Check with your church and family to see if there is some ability to help with camp costs.
- For foster children, often your foster agency can provide some assistance, as well.
- Take a look at your budget. Can you afford to pay for part of the tuition? Or do you need a full scholarship?
- When considering your budget, remember that there are a few other costs associated with kids camp if you don't have them, bathing suit and sleeping bag.